Connie Kleiman's Memory

From their time at Taylor University

Class of 1990

Connie Kleiman

Taylor was certainly a time of self-discovery for me. From Freshman Seminar with Dr Cosgrove through Interpersonal Communications with Dr Jackson, Oral Interpretation of Literature with Ollie Hubbard, Writing for Advertising with Marilyn Walked… and everything in between, I learned such nuggets as “Do you hear what you’re thinking?” and “all Truth is God’s Truth” and “it doesn’t matter if you believe it, truth is still truth.”… and of course that ethics and mission and faith are inseparably integrated into every other part of our lives. It was at Taylor that I learned I leaned into perfectionism and that wasn’t healthy. I learned to be “fearfully and wonderfully made” was God’s identity for me no matter what my heart or the world or Satan might try to make me think. Scootering through the galleria and library; late night Muncie runs; using the vax to write late night papers behind Olson desk; pick-a-dates and wing dinners; intramural football, softball, volleyball; swimming the triathlon in Taylor Lake; dish room mornings and dishwasher races; walking and walking and walking the loop at all hours of the night; TOPPIT orders and Ivanhoe vanilla diet cokes. I met life-long “friends of the heart” who would walk along side me in joy and in tragedy, who would point me to Jesus and encourage me in my marriage and parenting – and it is Taylor that my children (so far) are choosing to break out of the nest and begin their own adult journeys. And just like me each has met themselves at Taylor and have leaned into the Lord to set the foundation for their own lives. To say I love Taylor is an understatement. “The mission of Taylor University is to develop servant-leaders marked with a passion to minister Christ’s redemptive love and truth to a world in need. Together we seek to honor Him by integrating biblical faith and learning while our hearts and lives embrace the process of maturing in Christ.” This is my Taylor memory and my current reality! 💜

Memories At Taylor

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